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Laminated chipboard furniture is currently the most popular. Chipboard furniture is very popular as it is cheap, high quality and has no problems with repairs. It is cheap and repairing chipboard furniture is not a problem. The affordable price of this furniture is explained by the use of relatively cheap materials for repair: wood, chipboard. Due to the fact that the surface of the plate is laminated, the furniture has a very attractive appearance and harmoniously complements any design, decorating it.


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Like other items, furniture is damaged during operation. More often this happens during transportation, careless handling. There are a number of damages that are particularly characteristic of furniture. Chipboard products can be successfully restored. Usually, when furniture is used, scratches of varying depth, cracks, dents, chips of varying depth and abrasions are formed on them.

The process of eliminating chips The stage of eliminating chips in furniture begins with processing the corners with a chisel. Current repair and restoration of modern chipboard furniture is distinguished by its own characteristics. To remove the chips, several steps are required. Start with the preparatory processing of the defect. In this case, it is processed with a chisel so that the edges are straight. The chip is then sealed. Hard wax matching in color is used for this purpose. It is melted with a lighter or a wax melter, then applied to a chip with a certain margin. After the wax dries, the excess is removed with a chisel, paying attention to each part. Make sure a clear angle is formed. Felt is used for light sanding. The next step is restoring the texture. At this stage, lines are drawn along the chip with a retouching felt-tip pen, they should match the overall texture.


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You should constantly wipe the surface with a napkin to get some blurring of the boundary definition for maximum believability. A varnish autopsy is then performed. To fix the result and give a typical shine to the restored surface, it is treated with a spray varnish. These actions do not require special skills and special knowledge – just follow the rules and the work will be done perfectly. Sealing Scratches To get rid of furniture scratches, wax is applied evenly over the defect with a spatula. Scratches are a particularly common defect in chipboard furniture when it comes to children’s rooms. To eliminate these flaws, the same set of tools that are used in chip sealing is required. But in this case, it is better to use soft wax, not hard. To get rid of scratches, the wax is applied to the defect with a clamp, not forgetting to compact and level it. Missing texture should be completed with a retouching marker.

When applying a fixing varnish, the degree of gloss is evened out and the embedment area is fixed. If you do not have furniture wax, then the cracks can be repaired with a specially designed furniture polish. If the surface has scratches, then they spoil the appearance of the furniture no less than chips and scratches. Such defects arise when there is constant contact with the surface of the furniture of various objects. Furniture in the kitchen or hallway suffers the most. The upper protective layer can be completely erased or in certain places. You can get rid of exhaustion yourself if you do simple manipulations. You can wrap a microfiber cloth around your finger, wet it with a felt-tip pen of a suitable color. Now this napkin colors the wear.


Rub on the surface. When the steps are completed, the usual fixing varnish is applied in several layers. Removing cracks Building a bed from chipboard. Moisture settles on objects, contributing to the appearance of cracks. No less often, such defects occur if there was careless work in the area of ​​fastening of the door. To carry out the repair of cabinet furniture without outside help, with your own hands, you will need to draw PVA glue in a syringe. To perform this action faster, the needle is removed from the syringe. The entire crack space is then filled with glue.
How to beautifully arrange the furniture in a room. A clamp is placed on the stove, located on the side of the crack being treated, and pulled together. In this position, the furniture should be at least one day. When the glue dries, the product can be used again as usual.

Furniture repair should always be done in stages, without rushing. When repairing chipboard furniture with your own hands, you should be prepared for the fact that you may need different materials. In general, wax, soft and harder, a set of felt-tip pens for retouching and toning are required. You can use a furniture stroke, a simple laminating edge, markers. As for wax, it has its own differences. The soft furniture wax is with the possibility of quick use.